VTC Baspik regularly carries out research and development work in the field of microchannel plates and MCP detectors.
The decision to start a development is made based on the market needs identified, the formed scientific and technological backlog (or the advisability of its formation in a new area), the general workload of the company.
Information about some current developments can be found in this section.
Currently the following devices are under active development:
Six-channel secondary electron multiplier (SEM)

If you are interested in customized development of MCP products, please fill out the Form.
Or contact us by phone/email:
Science and Innovation Office
Tel./fax: +7 8672 40-75-86, +7 8672 51-13-74
E-mail: nis@baspik.com
Prospective Project Office
E-mail: opp@baspik.com